v0.11c - save/load hotfix

Hey Everyone,


Here's a small fix to some save/load issues we've found since the last patch.  Corrupt save games from either 0.11 or 0.11a should now be fixed. (We also fixed traps in multiplayer!)



  • Fixed error with multiplayer save games sometimes breaking due to racing condition with data fetching in gui.
  • Fixed issues with traps (noose, spiked wall, happy birthday) not being buildable in multiplayer games.
  • Fixed some issues with single and multiplayer save games when a large amount of buildings were built.



Improved enemy pacing and world population (along with some small bug fixes and performance enhancements).

v0.06 fix!

Thanks to everyone in the community who helped us get this crashing issue resolved so quickly! It turns out it was an issue with our latest ocean shader that strangely only affected certain nvidia cards.

v0.06 patch update

Hey everyone,

Trying to track down the crashing issue with last nights patch so reverting to previous version until we can fix it.

Patch 0.04

Hey Everyone,  

Here's our latest patch, improving enemy behaviours, world lighting along with more bug fixes and some new features.  

Windows 32bit version and RAM

Hey Everyone,  

The Forest currently requires a minimum of 4 gb of ram to run correctly. We've been notified that Windows 32bit by default may not be using the entire 4 gigs on your system.