
Hey everyone,


For this patch we've re-worked the UI interface for all fires, gardens and item holders. You can now cycle through these by pressing R and see the items that are coming up next. This change includes new pickup icons for most of the items in the game.


For home icons, we've added the ability to change their color, and also the ability to turn each off individually. If you have a lot of buildings with lots of shelters or beds built you can now toggle which display an icon and what color they show.


For multiplayer characters, we've added a new cloth blood shader, which allows blood to visibly seep through extra worn clothing such as jackets or the suit. Random selection of player characters has been altered to ensure players see more variety in types when respawning, and a new hair shader has been added to one of the multiplayer character types, along with new hair models and textures.


We improved the enemy ai around player built structures.  They can now spot you through windows, and if they see you run inside a structure they will more often attempt to break down the door to get to you.


For tree cutting, we matched all cut models to the actual tree, so instead of seeing cut sections appear separate from the main tree model, it should now look mostly seamless.


We did some audio polish, adding in some missing sounds for crows, added a new skin animal sound effect, and balanced lots of the audio in different parts of the world.


There are some new particles added for cave waterfalls, and also for underwater particular matter. Along with this we improved the look of some of the particles we introduced last patch and also added new snow dust when you hit a plant in the snowy area.


Along with this there are also a bunch of bug fixes, full list below.


As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub


V0.57 Changelog:


  • Fixed being unable to pick up fish killed with weapons other than spear
  • (Multiplayer) Fixed animals not spawning snow particles
  • Improved look of kicked up sand/dust particles
  • Added snow burst particle when walking into and hitting snow bushes
  • (Multiplayer) Smoothed movement on several dynamic projectiles, fixes stuttering look when viewing other players throw molotovs/bombs
  • (Multiplayer)Fixed player net holding old flare particle
  • Fixed player exiting chairs at wrong position during end game section
  • Fixed survival book sometimes not opening properly while blocking and fixed book sometimes opening at wrong screen position when cold
  • Blocked quick select usage during in game cut scenes
  • Enemies no longer sometimes hit other enemies when targeting structures
  • Fixed enemies not able to target player when attacking and caught in a noose trap
  • Fixed player clipping through enemies that are caught in noose trap
  • Fixed enemies hit by cowman turning burnt and exploding
  • Audio - Opening Plane and other sequences now mixed in surround sound
  • Audio - Cave Reverberation made less bass heavy
  • Audio - Hitting rocks in caves now has reverberation
  • Audio - rain sounds more varied and smoother and more surrounding
  • Audio - Shipping container area given unique plastic audio event
  • Audio - Animal skinning animation sequence now has unique sound event
  • Audio - Added flapping wings sound for crows flying
  • If enemies lose sight of a player going into a structure, they will now more often attempt to break down the walls blocking the way
  • Particulate matter now appears when player is underwater
  • Fixed enemies sometimes ragdolling incorrectly when burning to death
  • Fixed enemies being unable to see player through built windows
  • (Multiplayer) Fixed wood chop particles missing visually on other players chopping trees
  • Improved look of sapling 5 and replaced with new billboard
  • Fixed player sometimes unintentionally doing tree chop animation when swinging melee weapon near a tree
  • Improved transition between tree cut sections and tree models
  • Added cash as a fueling option for fires (Previously it would only fallback to cash when out of leaves)
  • Fixed some more climb down areas in caves with wrong lod setting/popping off too soon
  • Fixed issues with skinning animals and holding walkman causing walkman to be reset
  • Fixed animals sometimes rolling away from player while being skinned
  • Fixed held log hand animation sometimes being slow to respond after picking up a log
  • (Multiplayer) Fixed clients able to cut down trees with the climbing axe
  • Fires, Drying rack , Armor mannequin, Skin rack, food holders, weapon rack, explosive holder, stick, rock and log holders, arrow and bone baskets, and gardens all have a  new UI
  • Players and enemies can no longer run up the sides of cannibal huts
  • Players can no longer carry or pick up dead bodies while swimming
  • Fixed arrows sometimes going underneath terrain if shot directly downwards
  • Fixed running while crouching speed being applied inconsistently
  • Fixed player able to fast climb ropes with no stamina
  • Wearing cold armor now also increases the delay in between frost damage hits up to 4 times at full armor
  • New "home" icon UI on shelters, cabins and bed. Select a tinted icon to have the icon visible in world or the faded icon to hide the icon
  • Fixed enemy bodies not falling down if floor was destroyed/removed
  • Fixed player getting thrown up in air if standing over a rock supply cache when it explodes
  • (multiplayer)New player hair/beard model and shader added
  • Blood now accumulates on all player clothing variations
  • Fixed dropped logs not colliding with log sleds
  • It is no longer possible to duplicate items by spamming take/add weapon on rack
  • Player can no longer take damage while at max cold armor and will even defrost if equipping full cold armor while already frozen
  • Fixed enemies sometimes snapping to new position if falling down dead very close to a wall
  • Fixed trees sometimes spinning around wildly when blown up with explosives
  • Caves- fixed holes in Cave 2 and 10
  • Caves - new waterfalls added
  • Added new icons for pickups in world and for inventory
  • (Multiplayer) Mixed some forced variation to the randomness of the player skin and clothing rolls
  • Optimized animal and enemy traps to only spawn in nearby caught animals and enemies instead of loading in all of them to improve memory use in large saves
  • (Multiplayer) Fixed picking up items in suitcase while full causing it to duplicate as host or remain floating in the air as client


Hey Everyone,

Here’s a hotfix to address to some issues that came up in last nights v0.72 release.

For the full list of yesterday’s v0.72 patch notes, please visit:


Hey Everyone,

For this patch we focused on bug fixing and polish, as well as adding in a couple long requested tweaks (the log sled can now carry a full 12 logs!)


Hey everyone,

Here are some fixes and improvements to last weeks v0.71 release. Including some balance of the new calorie system.


Hey Everyone,

This patch adds a new electrical tape pickup item. With electrical tape you can now craft the new slingshot weapon type, which uses the small rocks in world as ammo.


Hey Everyone,

Here is another hotfix for last weeks v.070 release fixing an issue with exiting caves in save games.


For the full list of v0.70 patch notes, please visit:


Hey Everyone,

Here is a small hotfix for some issues that came up in Friday’s v0.70 patch release.

For the full list of v0.70 patch notes, please visit:


Hey Everyone,

This patch adds new recipes to the stew system.

V0.69b hotfix

Hey Everyone, For the full list of yesterday's v0.69 patch notes, please visit our announcement. Additionally here is a fix for some issues that came up since last night's release.


This patch adds a new modern bow. It's hidden pretty deep in one of the cave systems. This bow will shoot longer and further than the crafted bow, and with more damage. To keep the crafted bow useful we've made it fire faster than the modern bow, but with shorter range and with less damage impact.


Hey Everyone,

Here is a hotfix to a couple new issues that were reported yesterday.