Windows 32bit version and RAM

Hey Everyone,  

The Forest currently requires a minimum of 4 gb of ram to run correctly. We've been notified that Windows 32bit by default may not be using the entire 4 gigs on your system.  

Some helpful users have posted a guide on the Steam community hub for how to make sure your windows version is using all of your available memory. This is a temporary fix for users who are comfortable editing their system settings, however we hope to get a better fix to this issue available soon.

The Forest on Steam

Thanks to everyone, we are currently the number one game on Steam!

Public Alpha Release

The Forest public alpha releases tomorrow morning at 9AM PST on Steam!  


Hey Everyone,


Here are some new gifs we've just made, showing off more of the world, wildlife and the plane crash.


Store Page

Hey everyone, Just a quick update. Our store page is finally up. Check it out at:

We'll do a bigger update next week along with some cool new media we have to show.

Trailer 3

Hey everyone,

Here's our third trailer, showing a more extended look at some of our survival systems and also what life is like in the forest a little further into the game.